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High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks | High Density Blocks | Blocks | Yoga Block
High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks | High Density Blocks | Blocks | Yoga Block
High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks | High Density Blocks | Blocks | Yoga Block
High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks | High Density Blocks | Blocks | Yoga Block
High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks | High Density Blocks | Blocks | Yoga Block

High Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks~

SKU: 45662992-1-pcs-beige-china mindfulnessnyou996Available
Now $65.99 Was $89.99You Save $24.00 (27% Off)

Product Description


High-Density Pure Cork Yoga Blocks, Made of cork, this high-quality cork yoga block has a firmness not found in foam blocks and allows you to feel secure in the support it provides. Easy to grip textured surface. Great for beginner to advanced yogis. Improve your practice by using blocks to maintain proper alignment, deepen your stretches, and help stay safe by reducing injury and muscle strain. Perfect for restorative yoga classes, Pilates, meditation, fitness, and exercise. Cork blocks have firmness and support not found in foam blocks. Featuring a rounded edge for maximum comfort, support, and grip. It is worth buying for you!

  • It helps you balance all the poses you need.
  • Cork material, non-slip and wear-resistant.
  • Smooth rounded edges for your comfort.


  • Material: High Density,stretch-resistant Pure Cork Foam with pattern.
  • .Slip-resistant,lightweight and portable,moisture-proof.
  • Made of Durable High-Density EVA Foam to provide reliable support even under considerable weight.
  • Slip-resistant surfaces and Beveled edges provide a safe and comfortable grip.
  • Provide support to each pose in your practice, from side angle or seated pose to forward bend and beyond.
  • Perfect for yoga, Pilates, daily exercise, great for overall balance and flexibility.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

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