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Tibetan Meditation Singing Bowl =

SKU: 44718714-united-states88Available

Product Description


If you are looking to increase your Meditation then these Singing Bowls are your perfect answer. This Singing Bowl is one of the most popular bowl types and bowl set in the world. This beautiful bowl is made of premium quality brass materials which are very durable, and not easy to rust. Beautifully crafted bowls are used worldwide for yoga, meditation, and spiritual healing. It enjoys the necessary sides to accompany this fabulous gift set. So, order it quickly!

  • It would be great for a gift or for your shrine. 
  • It is great for yoga, meditation, healing, and gift.
  • Add an elegant and natural element to your meditation room.


  • Material: Brass+Mahogany
  • Size: 8 x 4.3cm
  • Wood stick: 12.5 x 2.5cm
  • Mat: 11.6 x 2.7cm
  • Use method: Left hand extend deuce, put the bowl on palm center, right hand holding a stick, and then rub gently with the lower end of the stick in the edge of the bowl, turn clockwise.


  • Made of high-quality brass, very durable, not easy rust.
  • This product includes a singing bowl, a hand-sewn mat, and a wooden rod.
  • Can give out low-frequency sound, can go deep into the body core, loosen the person's mood, is a type of energy medicine that promotes healing from stress disorders, pain, depression, and more.

Package Include:

  • 1 X Singing Bowl
  • 1 X Hand Sewn Mat
  • 1 X Wood Rod

7 days MSRP

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