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Large 26-inch Red Yoga Bolster and Meditation Pillow !!

SKU: D0102H7T0WW-SYOG-57322Available

Product Description

The foam core is wrapped in two layers of soft fabric for added comfort, and each cover unzips to remove and is fully machine washable. An indispensable tool for restorative yoga, spinal stretches, and deep meditative breathing. Sturdy, extra firm open-cell foam provides stable, dependable support and unmatched shape retention at a fraction of the weight of cotton bolsters. Handy carry handle and lightweight construction make it easy to pick up and go! Measures a roomy 26" long and 10" wide with a 5" thickness that supports deep forward and backbends as well as gentle chest opening. Vital to restorative yoga and meditative breathing, a sturdy, firm yoga bolster provides indispensable support throughout the process of demanding stretches and poses, like deep forward bends, and also gently opens the chest.


  • Crown Sporting Goods offers a yoga bolster cushion that gives you firm support where you need it.
  • The foam core is wrapped in two layers of soft fabric for added comfort.
  • Yoga is meant to soothe the mind, body, and spirit.

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