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Buckwheat Yoga Bolsters~

SKU: 46272210-blue-poland200Available

Product Description


The Buckwheat Yoga Bolsters is your ideal companion for meditation, yoga and Pilates.The bolster is an alternative cushion and perfectly complements your yoga/sitting cushion. Thanks to the lightweight organic buckwheat husk filling, the half-moon cushion adjusts to fit your sitting position.It is the perfect support for your shoulders, hips, abdomen and back while in bed. It’s the perfect size for your child to rest their head or bodies on during story time. It also makes the perfect decorative accessory for playrooms and adds quality comfort to reading corners or forts.This memory foam bolster pillow is big enough to rest both knees, small enough to fit in your carry-on, and will not take up the whole bed.

  • Your child can rest, play and enjoy quality comfort at home. 
  • Provides a soft and soothing feel that makes rest and relaxation feel like a dream. 
  • Boys and girls will relish in the happiness that this extra-large pillow provides.


  • 100% brand new and high quality!
  • Cervical traction natural drawing.
  • Filled with high quality buckwheat.
  • Good softness and wrinkle resistance.
  • Good permeability, killing Acarus and Relieve itching.
  • Green natural and improving sleep.


  • Material: Cotton
  • Color: red/orange/blue/green/purple
  • Size: 380*90*50


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