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Blue Singing Bowl !!

SKU: 23015639-china28Available

Product Description

Our singing bowls are all hand-painted by professional artisans with natural dye. Minor discoloring might happen. Our singing bowl can fit in your hand, is portable, and is perfect for on-the-go requirements. Hand-hammered by the craftsmen specializing in Meditation Yoga Singing Bowls. Well-carved symbols and vivid patterns revealed the wholehearted process. Specially hand-sewn silk cushions highlighted the quality of the singing bowl set. You can gently tap the mallet to the outside and inside edges of the meditation bowl or play it around the rim to produce resonant sounds and deep vibrations that can relax your mind and release stress. A great choice for yoga meditation, sound therapy, spiritual gatherings, and stress relief. Ideal for healing from stress disorders, pain, depression, and excessive lust. Perfect gifts for your friends, families, and sweetheart.


  • Our singing bowls are all hand-painted by professional artisans with natural dye.
  • These unique musical instruments can be used for meditation, yoga, and a variety of healing practices.
  • Can give out low-frequency sound, can go deep into the body core, loosen the person's mood, is a type of energy medicine that promotes healing from stress disorders, pain, depression, and more.
  • Tibetan Singing Bowl made from Seven Auspicious Metals
  • Great For Yoga, Meditation, and Healing


  • Color: Blue
  • Material: Brass
  • Singing Bowl Size: Approx. 9.5x4cm/3.74x1.57inch
  • Wood Striker Size: Approx. 12.7x2.1cm/5x0.83inch
  • Hand Sewn Pillow Size: Approx. 10x10cm/3.94x3.94inch

Package Included:

  • 1 x Singing Bowl
  • 1 x Wood Striker
  • 1 x Hand Sewn Pillow

7 days MSRP

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