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Yoga EPP Bolsters Set %

SKU: 39189552-black-united-states1327Available

Product Description

Our round yoga bolsters set provides perfect support for many yoga postures. You will find that they are firm to provide full support, yet soft enough to be quite comfortable. Lightweight yet dense and firm, this is a great prop for restorative poses and prenatal yoga. The sky is the limit with our large supportive round bolster. Great for restorative yoga poses, simply lounging around the house with, or even to be used as a sleep aid for spinal and leg support. Ergonomically designed to provide a therapeutic sleep posture to relieve or prevent head, back, neck, and shoulder pain from poor spinal alignment. It can be used under the knees, back, or ankles for added support. It can also be used for lumbar support in most chairs, providing long-lasting support.

  • Our round yoga bolster is ideal for all-night support.
  • Perfect for most uses in restorative yoga practice.
  • Lightweight, easy to clean, and transport.


  • Size: 33 * 14cm 24 * 12cm 16 * 8cm 8 * 8cm 15 * 5.3cm
  • Product name:Back roller massage ball
  • Function:Relax and recover the fascia.
  • For: men, women, children
  • quantity:3/5pcs
  • Material: EPP

Packing list:
3/5pcs Back roller massage ball set

❤ Reduce muscle and joint pain.
❤ Prevent injury and muscle pulling.
❤ It is very suitable for use before and after exercise.
❤ Use regularly to reduce the recovery time of muscle pain and injury.
❤ Improve muscle strength, physical activity, and flexibility.

9~15 days

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.

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